Effective Practice and Motivation

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Below are some of the many different aspects involved in learning how to practice the piano effectively.

Environment | Goals  | Musical Form | Rhythm | Fingering | Posture & Tension | Method | Memory | Pedal | Motivation


Most children can't wait to use the damper pedal and will want to experiment with it as soon as possible which is fine. The damper pedal creates interesting sounds at the piano and it can be fun for children to explore these sounds. Ideally, children should not begin to practice with the pedal until they are tall enough that their feet can reach the floor. The damper pedal is the pedal furthest to the right and is played with the right foot. The ball of the foot should remain in contact with the pedal even after the pedal has been lifted; this will help prevent additional sound occuring as a result of the foot 'hitting' the pedal. The heel should remain in contact with the floor at all times. Students will usually feel more comfortable if they do not sit too closely to the instrument.

Some teachers of very young children might want to use special pedal devices which connect to the instrument and make it possible for 'little people' to reach the pedals without having to contort their body to do so; others may prefer to explore the vast amount of repertoire that does not require the use of the pedal.
All content © by Donna Gross Javel